All you may want to know about taking loan against property

loan against property

Level - BASIC

Taking a loan against property is an attractive financing option for many people. Watch this video to learn more about eligibility criteria, loan amount, repayment and application procedure for loan against property.

AUTHOR(S): Shreeja Thirani


Loan against property

 Taking a loan against property is an attractive financing option for many people. Watch this video to learn more about eligibility criteria, loan amount, repayment and application procedure for loan against property.

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    1.Ram owns a large house. His friend Shyam wants to take a loan against this house. How would he be eligible?

  • If Shyam can show that he is capable of repaying the loan
  • If the owner, Ram, agrees to be a co-applicant for the loan
  • If the owner, Ram, installs Shyam as a tenant in the house for at least one year
  • 2.The amount of loan available against property depends on factors such as

  • The state of the propety market at the time of loan sanction
  • Source of income, ability to repay and value of property
  • Guideliness issued by RBI
  • 3.Loans against property are most appropriate for

  • Loans for upto 6 months
  • Loans for a period of 6 months to a year
  • Long term loans
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