Are you getting the right financial advice?

financial advice

Level - BASIC

Distributors sell different financial products. Financial advisors use a systematic process of risk profiling and cash flow planning to invest client funds for the long term. Watch this video to know the difference between distributors and financial advisors, and learn about the right questions to ask them.

AUTHOR(S): Uma Shashikant


Financial Advice

 Distributors sell different financial products. Financial advisors use a systematic process of risk profiling and cash flow planning to invest client funds for the long term. Watch this video to know the difference between distributors and financial advisors, and learn about the right questions to ask them.

1 2 3 4

    1.Which of the following is the main focus of a distributor?

  • Planning
  • Product
  • Process
  • 2.When you are dealing with employees of a reputed bank or a financial institution what should you look out for?

  • If he has the details of the product he is selling that should be enough
  • He should be able to take you through the approved processes for planning, product selection and documentation
  • You don?t have to worry as he is a representative of the organisation and backed by them
  • 3.What is a good financial advisor likely to discuss before suggesting any investment ideas?

  • The merits of a particular financial product
  • Goals, priorities and risk profile of investor
  • A complex and elaborate investment strategy
  • 4.Which of the following is typical of a Financial Advisor?

  • He will urge you to invest in a particular product
  • He will provide you with a range of product with comparisons
  • He will try and close a deal with you in one meeting
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