Budget bol iv - government's other income

budget bol iv - government's other income

Level - BASIC

This is part 4 of the Budget Bol series. This Moneykraft video is about the sources of income for the government other than taxes and their significance.

AUTHOR(S): Arti Bhargava


1 2 3

    1.Other sources of income are significant when

  • there is a large fiscal deficit
  • the government has adequate tax collection
  • the expenses of the government are well controlled
  • 2.Ideally, other income should be used as a

  • long term measure to meet revenue target
  • temporary measure to plug in the shortages
  • way to increase governments spend on salaries and pensions
  • 3.Which of the following is an example of other sources of income for the government

  • Mid term rise in duties
  • Corporate Tax
  • Income Tax
Tags : budget
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