Do you need debt funds in your investment portfolio?

do you need debt funds?


This investor education video by Moneykraft explains the importance of debt investment for providing stability and reducing overall portfolio risk. By investing in debt funds, investors can achieve greater balance in their holdings.

AUTHOR(S): Taruna Changulani


Do you need debt funds?

 This video explains the importance of debt investment for providing stability and reducing overall portfolio risk. By investing in debt funds, investors can achieve greater balance in their holdings.

1 2 3 4

    1.Which of the following is NOT a reason to invest in a Short Term Debt Investment?

  • Save up for down payment of a home loan
  • To meet any forseen expenditure in the next 6 month to a year
  • To park money while deciding when to invest in the equity market
  • 2.What do Debt Investments provide to the overall portfolio?

  • Higher risk
  • Higher liquidity
  • Stability of return
  • 3.Short Term Debt is required in which of the following cases?

  • To save up for childrens' education
  • To plan for retirement
  • To meet any financial emergency
  • 4.Which of the following is a misconception?

  • Debt Investment is for Retired people only
  • Equity is a good choice for Long Term Investments
  • Debt Returns are usually lower than Equity returns
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