Do you need international funds in your investment portfolio?

investing in international funds helps earn dollar returns.


International funds enable you to invest in the global equity and debt markets and earn dollar returns. Find out if these products are suitable for your needs. Watch this investor education video by Moneykraft.

AUTHOR(S): Arti Bhargava


Why international funds?

 International funds enable you to invest in the global equity and debt markets and earn dollar returns. Find out if these products are suitable for your needs.

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    1.The chief attraction of international funds is their ability to earn

  • Safe returns
  • Higher returns than in India
  • Dollar returns
  • 2.Investors who earn in rupees but need some dollars for spending face

  • Interest rate risk
  • Exchange rate risk
  • Purchasing power risk
  • 3.When the rupee depreciates against the US dollar

  • Expenses incurred in dollars become more cheaper in rupee terms
  • Expenses incurred in dollars cost more in rupee terms
  • Expenses incurred in dollars are fixed, so they remain unchanged in rupee terms also
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