How can minors invest in mutual funds?

what happens when a minor turns 18?

Level - BASIC

Watch this investor education video by Moneykraft to learn more about investment by a minor, and what happens when the minor turns major.

AUTHOR(S): Shreeja Thirani


1 2 3 4

    1.An investor below the age of ___ is considered to be minor for the purpose of investments

  • 16
  • 21
  • 18
  • 2.Which of the following statements with respect to KYC is true in case of mutual fund investments in the name of a minor?

  • KYC of minor needs to be done
  • KYC of parents needs to be provided
  • KYC is exempt
  • 3.After minor attains majority, who can operate the investment in minor's name?

  • Minor turned major
  • Guardian
  • Minor turned major as well as his guardian
  • 4.Which of the following needs to be provided additionally in case of investments in the name of a minor?

  • Minor's school name
  • Date of birth of minor
  • Minor's bank account number
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