Protect your income and assets with insurance


Level - BASIC

Insurance is an effective way to protect from events that can harm your ability to earn an income. The market has many insurance products with various premiums, coverage conditions and investment options. Watch this video to know the importance of insurance and why it is necessary to fully understand the product before buying it.

AUTHOR(S): Uma Shashikant



 Insurance is an effective way to protect from events that can harm your ability to earn an income. The market has many insurance products with various premiums, coverage conditions and investment options. Watch this video to know the importance of insurance and why it is necessary to fully understand the product before buying it.

1 2 3 4

    1.Which of the following describes a Unit Linked Insurance Plan?

  • It is a pure invesment product
  • It is a pure insurance product
  • It is a insurance product bundled with a investment component
  • 2.For a person with dependants what should be the first thing to insure?

  • His life
  • His professional equipment
  • His health
  • 3.The main principle of insurance is to _______

  • provide compensation
  • provide security
  • share the losses of a few people among many
  • 4.Which of the following is NOT a parameter to consider before purchasing an insurance policy?

  • The premium and the risk cover of the policy
  • The tax benefit of purchasing the policy
  • The conditions covered and cost of the policy
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