Starting your own business: are you prepared?

starting your own business


Many of us would like to start a business and become our own boss. Watch this investor education investor education video by Moneykraft to learn more about the financial decisions involved in starting a business.

AUTHOR(S): Uma Shashikant


Starting your own business

 Many of us would like to start a business and become our own boss. Watch this video to learn more about the financial decisions involved in starting a business.

1 2 3

    1.Which of these is a smart source of funds for a new business?

  • Easily available high interest loan from local moneylender
  • Liquidation of unused assets
  • Withdrawing all money in retirement account
  • 2.When starting a business, the most important requirement is to have

  • A good business plan
  • Enough starting capital
  • Plenty of determination
  • 3.Which of these goals can be temporarily abandoned while trying to save money to run a new business?

  • Education of children
  • Saving for retirement
  • A foreign holiday
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