What is the benefit of investing in a portfolio?

benefits of a portfolio

Level - BASIC

Watch this investor education video by Moneykraft, to understand the benefits of combining various assets into a portfolio.

AUTHOR(S): Uma Shashikant


Benefits of a portfolio

 Watch this video to understand the benefits of combining various assets into a portfolio

1 2 3

    1.In a well selected portfolio some shares do well when some others do badly. As a result

  • The portfolio outperforms every individual share in the market
  • The portfolio becomes riskier
  • The portfolio maintains a decent return
  • 2.The return from a portfolio of shares is likely to be

  • Higher than that of the best performing share in the portfolio
  • an average of the return of individual shares
  • Lower than that of the worst performing share in the portfolio
  • 3.An example of a professionally managed portfolio is

  • a retail investor's holdings of Tata Power shares
  • an equity fund
  • a bank deposit
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