What would you prefer - to be rich or wealthy?

to be rich or wealthy

Level - BASIC

The truly wealthy are very careful with their money and manage it well. Watch this investor education video by Moneykraft to understand why being rich is not equal to being wealthy.

AUTHOR(S): Uma Shashikant


To be Rich or Wealthy

 The truly wealthy are very careful with their money and manage it well. Watch this video to understand why being rich is not equal to being wealthy.

1 2 3

    1.Paying oneself is another way of describing

  • Saving
  • Earning
  • Spending
  • 2.When regular income dries up, wealthy people

  • Rely on income from investments
  • Live in poverty
  • Borrow money to fund their lifestyle
  • 3.The key characteristic of truly wealthy people is that

  • They save and invest wisely
  • They earn a lot of money
  • They spend lavishly
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